Consolidated Saint Marion Baptist District Association
“Envisioning the Future Exceptionally through Our Commitment:
To Stand Firm, While Yet Moving Forward”
Jeremiah 29:11 & 1 Corinthians 15:58
Our Beliefs
Our Churches & Pastors
Our Constitution & By-Laws
Our Mission & Purpose
Our Moderator
Our Staff
Our Theme
Barnett Chapel MBC
Rev. Don Hawkins
1321 N. Birch Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Church: (870)536-0237
Cell: (870)692-2372
Christian Fellowship MBC
Rev. Robert Thomas
1100 east 7th
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office: (870)534-3500
Cell: (870)489-0208
Damascus MBC
Rev. Robert Scott
10200 Hwy 65 South
Grady, AR 71644
Work(870) 479-2900
Cell: (870)718-2387
Elm Grove MBC
Rev. Jessie Turner
3114 S. Mississippi
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office: (870) 534-3548
Cell: (870)413-6345
Evening Star MBC
Rev. William Jarmon
1102 S. 1st Street
McGehee, AR 71654
Office: (870)222-5315
Cell: (870)543-9297
First Baptist MBC
Rev. Isaac Barnes
P. O. Box 37
Gould, AR 71643
Office: (870)263-4786
Cell: (870)872-8600
Indiana Street MBC
Rev. Brian Castle
1114 Indiana Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office: (870)534-6944
Cell: (870)329-5534
Kindling Star MBC
2685 Dutch Rd
Grady, AR 71644
Kings Highway MBC
Rev. Anthony Howard
2312 Fluker Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office: (870)536-3763
Cell: (870)692-0056
Liberty Hill MBC
6300 Hwy 79 South
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Office: (870)879-5263
Cell: (870)489-2173
Mt. Harmony MBC
Dr. Robert L. Handley
812 East Harding
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office: (870)534-1779
Cell: (870)692-5380
Mt. Nebo MBC
Dr. Larry C. Battles
3201 W. 2nd Ave.
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office: (870)536-6827
Cell: (870)329-5667
Mt. Zion MB Church
Rev. Freddie L. Heard, Sr.
Number 8 Railroad Street
Grady, AR 71644
c/o 1206 E. 6th Ave.
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Mulberry Grove MBC
Rev Robert Key
P. O. Box 397
Altheimer, AR 72004
Office: (870)766-4930
New Bethlehem MBC
Rev. Jesse Toston
500 Bois D'Arc Street
P. 0. Box 5607
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Cell: (870)489-3634
Church: (870)534- 3921
New Home MBC
Rev. Aaron Barnes
3000 S Orange St
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Office: (870)575-9999
Cell: (870)692-8472
New Hope MBC
Rev. Stanley Blair
9605 Hwy 65 South
P. O. Box 17
Moscow, AR 71659
Office: (870)209-3711
Cell: (870)209-3711
New Jerusalem MBC
Rev. Kriston Wilson
1317 Texas Street
P. O. Box 5087
Pine Bluff, AR 71611
Office: (870)536-1004
Cell: (469)816-9014
New St. James MBC
Rev. James Barnes
3301 S. Fir Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Office: (870)536-4303
Cell: (870)329-2445
Paradise MBC
Rev. Sylvester Kearney
144 Dakota Rd
Grady, AR 71644
Pine Bluff AR 71603
Cell: (870) 550-5671
Office: (870) 879-2580
Pilgrim MBC
Rev. Kevin Crumpton
2507 Hill Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office: (870)535-5903
Cell: (870)872-0855
Pilgrim Rest MBC
Rev. George Toney
7528 Hwy 65 South
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Office: (870) 536-3368
Cell: (870) 367-6144
Reynolds Chapel MBC
Rev. Andrew Williams
706 S Cypress St.
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Cell: (870) 6636-0961
Sixth Avenue MBC
Dr. Levell Bass
1401 E. 6th Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office: (870)210-2993
Cell: (870)441-1375
Solomon Hill MBC
Rev. Ken Daniels
8011 Hwy. 63 South
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Office: (870) 536-3197
St. Bethel MBC
Rev. Louis Williams
PO Box 7213
Pine Bluff, AR 71611
Office: (870)534-5863
Cell: (870)413-2054
St. Luke MBC
Rev. Jay V. Brothers, Jr.
4104 S. McKinney Rd.
Sherrill, AR 72152
Cell: (870) 329-8490
St. Paul MBC
Rev. Steven King, Pastor
1404 S. Georgia
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Office (870)-534-6853
Timothy Chapel MBC
Rev. Woodrow Jackson, Jr.
1304 S. Apple
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Union Baptist MBC
Rev. Leroy Spears
609 E. 24th Ave.
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Office: (870) 534-6621
H 870-536-6183
Cell:(870) 329-5253
Union Hopewell MBC
Rev. Antonio Gayden
1121 S. Persimmons
Pine Bluff, AR 71603