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                                                           Thank you for visiting our page!  The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is yet challenged with old                                                                          enemies disguised in new ways that threatens the sacred foundation of which the Church was                                                                        founded.  Christian Education continues to be the bedrock of our mission and vision to combat the                                                                forces of evil that has revealed itself on every level of human existence. The Congress continues to                                                                  move forward in achieving and succeeding the standards that mobilizes our initiatives. These                                                                           initiatives undergird our charge and challenge of equipping believers to serve their Churches in                                                                       effective ministry and with the commitment of lifting our voices on behalf of the voiceless.


We believe by providing diverse, contemporary and engaging Christian Educational options for pastors, laypersons and Church members, our Churches can become stronger and more influential. The Congress of Christian Education is blessed to have such gifted and skilled instructors that provide relevant and innovative models of ministry.


Bringing Christian disciples to the point of preparation to become committed to strong, faithful Christian service is both the mysterious workings and callings of the Holy Spirit who uses the intentional and obedient actions of the Church through Christian education and should be understood as a sacred trust given to the Church by God through Jesus Christ.  As National Baptists we commit ourselves to comprehensively equip our churches in providing the necessary Biblical and spiritual resources that will thoroughly equip disciples for effective ministry!

With a clear focus to educate and equip the churches of our District, the Congress will feature an enriched learning environment and a goal toward year-round operation. The source of substantive commitment to the gospel of the Great Commission will include a framework of both investment and preparation in our churches. Our goal is to nurture a generation of leaders and laity alike who will know the Lord, who are committed to a life of walking in faith, and who values are built on the hope of a risen Christ through the sequential study in the Word!


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