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The purpose of the Laymen’s Auxiliary is to assist the districts, associations, and churches in the fulfillment of the Great Commission by seeking to involve men and boys through education and involvement, so that everyone will have an opportunity to know Jesus. 


To become a disciple making ministry by developing an atmosphere in which men and boys will become aware of and respond to God’s call for salvation and service. We desire to help every believer become a disciple and encourage them to help reach the lost and strengthen the family by helping raise Godly men.


We will enlist un-Churched men for fellowship in and service through the church; enlist men for effective performance of essential Christian activities; cultivate the Christian life of men through study, worship, fellowship, and service; and inspire men to support the total program of the Church in the local congregation, the community, the denomination and the world.

Vision and Mission Statement of the Laymen


In order that Laymen's Auxiliary may meet the demands, which God and the church impose upon them, they must organize themselves into meaningful, purposeful groups. These groups must have a firm foundation, purpose and a clear direction in formulating objectives. 


  • To enlist and coordinate the manpower of the local congregation for an effective performance of  essential Christian activities.

  • To cultivate the Christian life of laymen through study, worship, fellowship and service.

  • To enlist un-churched men for fellowship in and service through the church and to bring  unsaved  men into vital relations with God in Christ through personal commitment to Him.

  • To inspire men to support the total program of the Church in the local congregation, the community, the denomination and the world.



Rev. Anthony J. Howard

Laymen's President 



Laymen's Staff  



Treasurer,  Bro. Paul Johnson

Event Coordinator, Bro. Coleman Enright

Instructor, Bro. James Ellison

Kings Highway MBC

2312 Fluker Street

Pine Bluff, AR 71601

Church: (870)536-3763

Cell: (619)436-9011

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